Ryan Scott Brown

I build cloud-based systems for startups and enterprises. My background in operations gives me a unique focus on writing observable, reliable software and automating maintenance work.

I love learning and teaching about Amazon Web Services, automation tools such as Ansible, and the serverless ecosystem. I most often write code in Python, TypeScript, and Rust.

B.S. Applied Networking and Systems Administration, minor in Software Engineering from Rochester Institute of Technology.

    Git as a Presentation Tool

    This past week I gave a talk on Flask at Python Buffalo with no slides. Not only did I skip slides; I made the whole presentation one big live demo application. Yes, I said to myself, tempt gods that would mock the hubris of the live demo.

    Watching people type is booooring. Typos are about as interesting as a text-wall Powerpoint slide – which is to say not. To avoid exposing how poor a typist I am, I built the demo ahead of time and made a commit for each step. The repo looked something like this.

    $ git log --oneline
    4d4e1ac Add requirements.txt to document dependencies
    b5d164d Add display of the existing lunches
    77ecb81 Add model for lunch storage
    8111913 Add endpoint to receive form submission
    307b40f Add lunch form, but it fails! why?
    9904143 Demonstrate template inheritance index.html < base.html
    05446fd Add a conditional (if statement)
    194ed86 Use a real template
    9f31419 Serve real HTML!
    6517faa use flask's magic jsonify
    e06dcab Initial "lunch" app
    9ec9cdf Add gitignore
    74c5e86 initial commit

    Now, I needed a way to hop to the next commit easily. I could have made branches on each commit (eww, manual), or checked the next commit out by hash every time (the point was less error-prone typing). Instead, I added a simple alas to my .zshrc to advance to the next child commit.

    alias gchild='git checkout $(git log --ancestry-path --format=%H ${commit}..master | tail -1)'

    With that in place, I started Flask with debug=True to reload changes and used vim to show changes and explain as each feature was added to the application.

    I’d absolutely recommend git as a presentation tool for any code-heavy presentations; it lets you track your own changes, share your source material with anyone, and avoids copying code into slides.

    Design by Sam Lucidi (samlucidi.com)