Ryan Scott Brown

I build cloud-based systems for startups and enterprises. My background in operations gives me a unique focus on writing observable, reliable software and automating maintenance work.

I love learning and teaching about Amazon Web Services, automation tools such as Ansible, and the serverless ecosystem. I most often write code in Python, TypeScript, and Rust.

B.S. Applied Networking and Systems Administration, minor in Software Engineering from Rochester Institute of Technology.

    Using namedtuple with SQLAlchemy Core

    SQLAlchemy is solidly in my top 5 favorite Python libraries, and has a starring role in many of my work and personal projects. OpenStack runs on SQLAlchemy.

    The ORM in SQLAlchemy is helpful for projects with complex relations and logic, but when there are only simple data types SQLAlchemy Core is often all you need. I have a few pieces of data that map to a table easily, and relations aren’t important. For that case, the humble collections.namedtuple is invaluable. Declaring a namedtuple that matches column names is an easy way to add a little syntax sugar on top of SQLAlchemy Core without using the ORM.

    Before we get to that, let’s set up a data model. We’ll just track user names and email addresses, so the namedtuple will look like this:

    from collections import namedtuple
    User = namedtuple('User', ["id", "name", "email"])
    someone = User(1, "Some Body", "some@one.com")

    Simple, and making a user looks a lot like if User were a normal object. Now let’s build the persistence portion.

    Setting the Stage

    import json, sqlalchemy
    connection_string = 'sqlite://'
    db = sqlalchemy.create_engine(connection_string)
    engine = db.connect()
    meta = sqlalchemy.MetaData(engine)
    columns = (
        sqlalchemy.Column('id', sqlalchemy.Integer),
        sqlalchemy.Column('name', sqlalchemy.Text),
        sqlalchemy.Column('email', sqlalchemy.Text),
    sqlalchemy.Table("users", meta, *columns)
    table = sqlalchemy.table("users", *columns)

    Now we have a table to back the data model. From here, we can start adding data.

    # add test data
    statements = [
        for user in (
            User(1, "Alice", "alice@test.com"),
            User(2, "Bob", "bob@test.com"),
            (3, "Chuck", "Chuck@test.com"),
            (4, "Diane", "diane@test.com"),
    [engine.execute(stmt) for stmt in statements]

    Note that some of the tuples are the User namedtuple, while others are raw tuples. As long as the data in the tuples match the schema, SQLAlchemy will save either properly.

    Reading the Data

    alice = engine.execute(table.select().where(table.c.name == "Alice")).fetchone()
    print("User: {}".format(alice[1]))

    This isn’t so great, remembering indices is easy to get wrong. Worse, it can be the source of really annoying (and sometimes sneaky) errors down the road if the data in multiple columns looks similar. For us, mixing up email addresses and names will be easy to notice since most people don’t have “.com” in their surname.

    Using Named Tuples

    With namedtuple, accessing data and even debugging becomes easier.

    tuple_alice = User(*alice)
    print("User: {}".format(tuple_alice.name))
    # User: Alice
    # (1, 'Alice', 'alice@test.com')
    # User(id=1, name='Alice', email='alice@test.com')

    This uses the tuple we got from the database to populate the namedtuple from earlied, and now we can access properties by name. The caveat here is that tuples are immutable, so we can’t alter the data we get, but that does help enforce ownership, and which functions have the ability to mutate state.

    With namedtuple, it’s easy to create an application that is a series of functions over immutable data that saves either final or incremental results, and has strong separation of concerns. Additionally, without an ORM concerns about exactly when database queries happen disappear because no property accesses can trigger lazy loads.

    The code from this post is also available as an IPython notebook if you’d like to run or modify it.

    Design by Sam Lucidi (samlucidi.com)