Ryan Scott Brown

I build cloud-based systems for startups and enterprises. My background in operations gives me a unique focus on writing observable, reliable software and automating maintenance work.

I love learning and teaching about Amazon Web Services, automation tools such as Ansible, and the serverless ecosystem. I most often write code in Python, TypeScript, and Rust.

B.S. Applied Networking and Systems Administration, minor in Software Engineering from Rochester Institute of Technology.

    TIL: Tauri Debugging Tools

    I’ve been working on arsd support for multiple simultaneous AWS IAM Identity Center sessions, and found devtools by one of the Tauri project’s sponsors CrabNebula.

    Devtools gives you a log viewer and waterfall graph interface for calls between the JS and Rust processes. I’ve found it helpful for tracking down UI hangs where the frontend is waiting on a worker.

    Design by Sam Lucidi (samlucidi.com)